Striper Fishing Lure-Blog
How To Find The Best Lake Texoma Fishing Guides
Post Author:Mike
Date: April 7, 2020
How To Find The Best Lake Texoma Fishing Guides


Before we dive into how to find the best Lake Texoma Fishing Guides I believe an introduction is in order.  Some readers may know me, but it has been a while so please take a moment to read the about section below.  We love to share information with anglers, help our clients, and chat about my passion for Striper Fishing Lake Texoma!  We will get a little bit IT, but I promise to keep this very simple.  The first bit of IT we use on all blog posts are toggle boxes.  You will see red title text that will open when you click the red plus button.  This makes reading a long post easy on your smartphone!

Some anglers will start with a Google search for Lake Texoma Fishing Guides or Lake Texoma Striper Fishing Guides.  Save yourself time and trouble and start with what day or dates do you want to striper fish Lake Texoma!

Select Dates You Wish To Striper Fish Lake Texoma

We will get to a Google Search much later.  Do you want to fish in the Spring?  Maybe your crew wants a warm summer day on Lake Texoma.  Summer is too hot for your group of Striper Anglers so let’s think about Fall.  Does your group love to DeadStick for big Striper in the winter?  What are the Striper Fishing Seasons on Lake Texoma?  Guide John Blasingame has a great blog post on Lake Texoma Striper Seasons.  When selecting dates please let your potential outfitter know you are planning a multiday Lake Texoma Striper Vacation.  Most Texoma Guides can get you a nice deal on fishing and accommodations.

Please note that the peak season for most Lake Texoma Fishing Guides starts in May and runs until the end of September.  You should book your trip 30-60 days in advance to make sure you get the best striper guide and the dates you desire.  Another great tip is to have multiple dates selected for your trip to ensure you get the best Lake Texoma Striper Fishing Guides.

The Size of Your Group

This one is pretty straightforward, but it is important to note the bigger your group the longer lead time you will need to make your reservations.  A group of 2-4 anglers will be safe to book 30-60 days in advance.  A May 2nd trip with 4 anglers and you should start looking around mid-March.  The best Lake Texoma Fishing Guides get very busy, very fast, so look then book in advance.  Most Striper Guides on Texoma have room for 6 anglers per boat and can find multiple boats if you have a large group.

What is Your Skill Level?

This is where most fail on how to find the best Lake Texoma Fishing Guides.  What is your group’s skill level and how do they like to fish.  My personal preference is to Striper Fish with Artificial Lures only.  I have nothing against live-bait fishing or trolling lead lines, but I’m a cast and reel angler.  You may have a group that has never fished in their life or you may have weekend warriors that fish in Bass Tournaments that have high skill levels.

Lake Texoma has more live-bait guides than artificial lure-only outfitters, and most will catch striped bass using both methods.  It is very important to know the skill level of your group before the Google search begins.

Where Do We Start Our Trip?

Lake Texoma has 89,000 surface acres and is a huge reservoir to travel around.  If you are traveling from the DFW area Pottsboro will be the closest marinas.  If you are driving from OKC Alberta Creek Marina would be a great choice.  You can drive another hour to an hour and a half getting from the North part of Lake Texoma to the South.   Now it is time to fire up the laptop and use Google.

Just to recap we have the following information before our first Google Search and before we have made contact with a Lake Texoma Striper Guides.

1. You have two dates selected and know if the trip is an overnight adventure.

2. You have a group size.

3. You know the group’s skill level.

4. You have an idea of where you want to launch.

Google Search- Lake Texoma Fishing Guides

Now, this blog post gets a little IT, but we will break it down in simple terms.  The first group that shows up are Google Ads.  You will see three ads.  These outfitters are paying Google to show up in the top three spots.  When you click the ads these striper guides will be charged around $ 6.00.  The ads will lead to a landing page or website.  You will also see a phone number and a short description.

Google Maps Section

The next group is Google Maps.  You will see three more Striper Guides listed in this section.  If you click More Places you will see another 20 guides listing.  This section shows how many Google Reviews for each guide.  You may find guides running ads in the maps section as well.  The map section will also let you know where the guide works.  Kinston Oklahoma, Denison Texas, and Pottsboro Texas will be the most popular cities.  Take some time to read the Google Reviews, it will help.

Google Organic Ranking Section

These are the ten websites that rank organically on Google due to the age of the website, the quality of its content, and how many other websites link to it.  You will find Striper Guide websites and a few information sites that sell ads.  We try to rank organically with quality content that will help you find the best Lake Texoma Fishing Guides.  Visit these sites and read the content.  You should get answers to most of your questions.

More Google Ads

The last three spots are more Google Ads that will take you to a guide’s website.  The guide is paying $ 6 per click to share his information.

Searches related to Lake Texoma Fishing Guides

This is the last section of every Google search and it gives you other ideas to find more information.  I suggest you use this related search option, it will help you find the best Lake Texoma Fishing Guides.

You have completed your Google Search and have a list of at least 6 guides you wish to contact about a Lake Texoma Striper Fishing trip for your group.  Now, what should I do? 

Visit The Striper Guides Website

If the site looks like it was made in 1978, skip that outfitter.  If there is NOT a picture of a boat, ask why not.  The website content should tell you if they use artificial lures, live bait, or both.  The website should have prices listed.  Look for a FAQ section and maybe a video.

Top 7 Questions For Lake Texoma Fishing Guides

1. How long have you been a Striper Guide on Lake Texoma?

2. What do you charge for a trip?

3. How do you striper fish? Live-Bait or artificial lures?

4. What year and model make is your boat?

5. How long are your charter trips?

6. What do I need to bring?

7. What does the guide supply on each trip?

Most Lake Texoma Striper Fishing Guides are out early in the morning and back cleaning fish around noon.  The best time to call a Texoma Guide is 12:30 PM CST to 1:30 PM CST.  I would then wait until 5:30 PM CST to 7 PM CST.  The live-bait guides are out on the water at 3 AM and most will have a siesta around 2 PM.  We hope this helps everyone find a great Lake Texoma Striper Fishing Guide.  Please comment below or shoot me an email.  For more information on tackle, follow Striper Fishing Lures.  Visit hire a Lake Texoma Fishing Guide for more information.

I know all of these guides and have fished with most of them.  I have sold Striper Fishing Lures to them all.  Great outfitters and guides.  Lake Texoma is an amazing Striped Bass Fishery, go enjoy it, we do!

The Best Lake Texoma Fishing Guides

1. Jerry Smith
2. Steve Buckley
3. Striper Express
4. Aaron Sharp

How to find the best Lake Texoma Fishing Guides
How To Find The Best Lake Texoma Fishing Guides
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How To Find The Best Lake Texoma Fishing Guides
Step by step instructions on how to find the best Lake Texoma Striper Fishing Guides.
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March 2025
