The Flutter Spoon has been around for a very long time and often thought of as a Northern Pike Lure used in Canada! Our friends to the North are correct, the flutter spoon is a great lure for Northern Pike and some anglers in the Pacific Northwest like them for Steelhead! Over the last five years, the Big Spoon has become a player for Largemouth Bass and now Striper! Kelly Jordan started the Big Flutter Spoon craze in 2006 on a Kentucky ledge lake and Joe Spaits manufactured the lures on Lake Fork Texas!
Big Flutter Spoons
Just like all good lures in the tackle trade, everyone jumped on board and 6 to 8-inch flutter spoons hit the market! It was great for the Striper Anglers too! The spoons are big, and weigh 2 to 3 ounces! These spoons catch big Striper!
Striper Fishing Lures-Big Flutter Spoon
Striper fishing a 3-ounce, 8-inch hunk of steel can be intimidating. Fear not, there is a time and place where giant flutter spoons will be the best option for catching deep-water striped bass. Adopt his technique, and there is little doubt you’ll be making room in your tackle box for the Big Spoon! Make a long cast, let the lure hit bottom, then begins retrieving with very short hops. The Striper will let you know how aggressive your retrieve speed can be.
Hop Your Flutter Spoon
These short hops, moving the spoon just 6 to 12 inches off the bottom, still provide action, and even if Striper are suspended farther above the bottom, they’ll still swim down to hit the spoon.
Yo-Yo Cast, Topwater Action, and Big Spoons
Striper Anglers also like to make contact with the bottom and speed reel 3-4 cranks, then release the line and control drift the spoon back to the bottom! It’s simply a yo-yo cast, please don’t overthink it! Make sure you control the fall of your spoon, you will get lots of strikes on the flutter or fall! Striper Fishing Lures
Lake Tawakoni Fishing Guides love the 4.5-inch 1.25-ounce spoon! Lake Tawakoni Guides will bounce this spoon back to the boat, yo-yo cast, and use the flutter spoon for Topwater Action!
Skipping Gizzard Shad
When you see big gizzard shad skipping out of the water, fire a big flutter spoon near the rise, and retrieve the spoon as fast as possible with your rod tip pointed at the water! After 6-7 reel retrieves, lift your rod and point it at the fish! Careful, watch the slack line you just produced, big Hybrid Striper will clock your spoon on the fall!
This topwater retrieve looks like a big gizzard shad running away, then the lures
Striper Fishing Lures, Top Five Flutter Spoon Sizes, and Colors
Here are our favorite sizes and colors of Striper Flutter Spoons. We fish these big spoons from June until October with great success! Follow Striper Fishing Lures for more information.
1) Strike King Sexy Spoon (color: Sexy Shad)
2) Nichols Super Magnum Spoon (color: Chrome)
3) Talon Lake Fork Flutter Spoon (color: Chrome Chartreuse)
4) Bass Pro Flutter Jack Spoon (color: White) 5) 6th Sense Magnum Spoon 150X (color: Chrome)